Fall Newsletter
Check out our fall newsletter! MM FALL 2017 EDITION
Check out our fall newsletter! MM FALL 2017 EDITION
Beat the heat with this helpful article on workplace summer safety. This is very beneficial to those who work outdoors. http://www.pipint.com/us/no-harm/workplace-summer-safety-tips
Check out our summer newsletter! MM SUMMER 2017 EDITION
Here is our latest newsletter. Check it out! MM SPRING 2017 EDITION
Wow, March Already!? Spring Cleaning days are just around the corner and with that in mind, here are some Green Cleaning recipes you can make at home. Green Cleaning is a safe and effective way to clean! Though it is important to remind you to keep away from pets and children. http://www.bellevuewa.gov/pdf/Utilities/CleanGreenKitbrochure_FIN2011.pdf
Fall is here! Time for carving pumpkins, watching the leaves change color and watching football! Also, check out our latest newsletter: mm-fall-2016-edition
Back to school means back to germs. Check out this helpful article from Clean Link for back to school success! http://www.cleanlink.com/news/article/Cleaning-Pros-Share-Top-Tips-For-Back-To-School-Success–19900
Summer is officially here! Check out whats new at Modern Maintenance in our summer newsletter! MM SUMMER 2016 EDITION
Check out our latest newsletter and see whats new at Modern Maintenance! MM SPRING 2016 EDITION
Spring is upon us! Check out this helpful article about spring cleaning. http://www.cleanlink.com/news/article/Spring-Cleaning-Is-Healthy-Cleaning–16879